
Candle Holder Craft

Rainy Day Creativity

By Angela Duncan May 21, 2018

Okay, enough already. I want the sun back!

What is up with all of the clouds and the rain? I don't mind a couple days, but it's been a week and it's still coming! The gloom puts my mood at a lower level and definitely makes me want to nap all day, but that is not happening for this homeschooling Mama. Finding things for kids to do inside the house can be a challenge on rainy days! We all get stir crazy when we are stuck inside and there are just so many board games  we can play and tv we can watch until we are... totally bored.  The kids are always asking to do something fun and to be entertained, but it’s hard to keep coming up with new ideas. 

SO. I turned on my creative cap and started looking around the house for something we could make together.

Clothes pins - check

Empty can  - check

Paint - check

Ok let's do this! 

You will need a small empty can such a tuna fish or cat/dog food can.

The boys were excited to spray paint the can so I let them go to town and made sure the nozzle was pointed in the correct direction.

(Although, I probably should have told him to keep his mouth closed). 

His older brother is much more conservative.

We could have spray painted the clothespins as well, but I wanted something that would occupy more of their time, so we grabbed paint brushes and painted each one.

Once everything was dry, we clipped the clothespins onto the can and set a candle inside. 

This one is going on my porch next to our hot tub, so I will be next to it while it's burning. (But I would recommend a flame-less candle otherwise).

We can't wait to make more and we will be making some to use as pots for small flowers around the house.

Sure, you could just tell your kids to go play a video game, but it's much more fun to get creative together, it just takes a little planning and some rummaging around the house. Hopefully this sun will be out and the rain will be over soon!

Click here for another rainy day craft using bubble wrap and paint.

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