
Florida Aquarium's Shark Days Recap

January 12, 2018

Last weekend, The Florida Aquarium hosted Shark Days as part of their 3 special weekends dedicated to its research and conservation efforts.

We decided to head out to the aquarium for a family day last Sunday and checked out the event.

As usual, we started our visit in the Wetlands where we saw alligators, fresh water fish, birds, and turtles.

Then we ventured upstairs to Madagascar and saw more beautiful fish, geckos, hissing cockroaches, fogs, and lemurs.

We made our way back downstairs to check out the stingrays and the made our way to the Shark Days exhibits.

There, we were able to check out the underwater world using 3D vision goggles.  


They boys were able to dissect a plush shark and learn about the organs inside sharks.

We had a great time exploring the underwater world and look forward to checking out their next events!

Save the date for next month when The Florida Aquarium hosts Coral Days on Feb 17 & 18!

The Florida Aquarium announces three special weekends dedicated to its research and conservation efforts

This month (Jan 13 & 14): Shark Days at The Florida Aquarium

The Florida Aquarium is excited to announce three weekend celebrations dedicated to its three pillars of conservation – sharks, corals and sea turtles. The celebrations kick off on the weekend of January 13 & 14 with Shark Days.

Today, our oceans face many threats including acidification and pollution to climate change and overfishing. Due to these challenges, the largest living space on Earth is deteriorating at an alarming rate. To help protect and restore our oceans, The Florida Aquarium focuses its conservation work primarily on three animals that play enormous roles in maintaining healthy oceans:

  • Sea turtles — because they are barometers of marine health;

  • Sharks — because they are essential top-down managers of marine ecosystems; and

  • Coral — because they are building blocks of marine habitats and oxygen-giving marine organisms

This month, celebrate the first of the three weekends at The Florida Aquarium. Details below:

Shark Days

Jan. 13 & 14

9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Join The Florida Aquarium for a weekend dedicated to our ocean’s amazing apex predators—sharks! There will be fun and educational activities throughout the Aquarium from 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. In between activities, watch a special screening of “Tanks to the Ocean” (a short conservation focused film); see special shark dive presentations; learn all about sharks at the Aquarium’s Ranger Station in the Wetlands Trail gallery; learn about the Aquarium’s shark conservation work from the Aquarium Curator, Eric Hovland; and more.

All the fun is included with a general admission ticket. For more information and a full schedule,

Save the Date

Coral Days

Feb. 17 & 18

9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Sea Turtle Days

March 17 & 18

9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.