
Featured Business - The Manic Beader

By Angela Duncan December 7, 2017

I love finding local businesses and I especially love them when they make handmade items. I recently came across

The Manic Beader

and just adore her items. You can find

The Manic Beader

in the

2017 Holiday Gift Guide

. My personal favorite is the sea glass mermaid fan pull and have it on my Christmas list. 

The Manic Beader is also a 3rd grade teacher and has been making handmade jewelry for about 8 years. They makes affordable, unique, beautiful jewelry. Her featured items are sea glass jewelry with authentic sea glass. She also makes diffuser jewelry which uses lava stones so you can use it with your favorite essential oils. This allows you to carry your fragrance with you all day. 

You can find The Manic Beader at the Mirababy Market, the Manatee Arts Festival, the Ruskin Seafood Festival , and many markets in the Brandon area.

Macaroni Kid Holiday Special - Receive a free diffuser bracelet with the purchase of a sea glass mermaid fan pull.