
SCREAM-A-GEDDON, A Night Only For Those Who Dare!

November 9, 2017

Halloween is one of my absolute favorite holidays. Growing up, my Dad would decorate the house into a haunted version with a creepy dummy stuffed with newspapers. The dummy was given either a Jack O' Lantern head or one of the scary masks my Dad bought from a local shop. On Halloween night, my Dad would put a bowl of noodles into the dummy's stomach to look like his guts were falling out. I remember going to the local party shop every year and picking out costumes for my Dad and I to wear when we went trick or treating. These memories are etched into my mind, so when October 1st hits the calendar, I start pulling out my spooky decorations. 

SCREAM-A-GEDDON is one of the events during this time of year that people like me love. We enjoy the thrills of running through a haunted house and getting freaked out by gruesome costumes. 

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend this year's SCREAM-A-GEDDON, but my good friend took my place to enjoy the haunted attraction.

The attraction is held in the middle of the woods which creates and eerie feel where you think your screams can't be heard. SCREAM-A-GEDDON had snacks, beer, games, Zombie paintball, souvenirs, and a cast who was decked out in costumes and roaming around giving the guests scares. 

The main attractions included:

- Blackpool Prison, an interactive haunt (you had the choice to wear a glow necklace, which lets the cast know you wanted to interact with them during the haunt) with cells and prison guards. There was a blackout and the prisoners have taken over and they grab you while you are trying to get out. Some make it out, only to be pulled back in.

- Infected: Ground Zero, another interactive haunt where the ARES Orbital Debris Program has detected a car-size object that has entered Earth's atmosphere and touched down in a Florida campsite. The survivors shows symptoms of asphyxiation, viral contamination, and severe tremors. 

- Cursed Hayrides, a wagon ride through a dark cursed town filled with immortals who must replace their souls with yours in order to end their misery.

- Bedlam 3D, a chaotic clown house that was filled with hallways and rooms that make you dizzy and run for your life. 

- Deadwoods, a pitch black attraction where you were only given a glow-stick to light your way through a haunted forest that was filled with characters that were popping out of the darkness.

- Monster Midway, the perfect rest area to catch your breath from running away from the cast. There were food vendors with snacks such as pretzels and nachos, fire pits to light the atmosphere, beer & wine booths which helped liquid courage, a few games, and gifts shops so you could go home without proof that you conquered Scream-A-Geddon.

My friend who attended the event, said she liked it much better than other popular attractions that she has been to in the past. She went through all of the haunts and said she was freaked out by them. Of course, SCREAM-A-GEDDON is for an adult crowd due to the beer, wine, and gruesome characters so keep that in mind if you plan on taking children.

I'm looking forward to going myself next year, so BEWARE Dad... I'll be taking you!